The Voodoo Compiler on the Nokia N900

The Voodoo Compiler on the Nokia N900

Robbert Haarman



This document describes how to install the Voodoo Compiler running on the Nokia N900 smartphone. With slight modifications, the same steps may also work for other devices featuring the Maemo operating system, such as the Nokia N810 or N9.

Getting Root Access

You can get root access to your N900 by installing the rootsh application. Following that link should get you to a page where you can download and install rootsh.

After installing rootsh, you can run applications as root by typing sudo gainroot in the X Terminal.

I prefer to configure things so that getting a root shell requires a password. So, after becoming root with sudo gainroot, I set a new password for root using the passwd command, and uninstalled rootsh:

$ sudo gainroot
# passwd
# apt-get remove --purge rootsh

Adding the Development Repositories

Using Application Manager

  1. Open the Application Manager
  2. Open the menu (tap on Application Manager at the top of the screen)
  3. Go to Application catalogs
  4. Go to New
  5. Enter the following data:
  6. more steps

Using the command line

The following steps need to be performed as root.

  1. Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list:
    deb http://...
  2. Add the repository GPG key:

Installing Development Packages

Using the command line

The following steps need to be performed as root.

  1. apt-get install gcc libc6-devel make

Getting Voodoo

The Voodoo Compiler can be downloaded from the public git repository. The instructions here use commit 6a8bd64e62912e65342f72bfd5d7770d2eec189b, but any later version should work, too.

The following steps can be performed as a regular user.

  1. Download the Voodoo Compiler:
    $ wget -O voodoo.tar.gz \
  2. Extract the tarball:
    $ gunzip < voodoo.tar.gz | tar xf -

Building Voodoo

These steps can be performed as a regular user.

Change to the directory where you extracted the Voodoo Compiler source code and run configure and make:

$ cd voodoo-lang
$ ./configure
$ make

Running the Tests

As a regular user, in the directory where you built the compiler, type make test.

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