

Robbert Haarman



This program asks the user to enter their name, and then prints out a greeting. It demonstrates reading a line from standard input and writing a mixture of hard-coded and user-supplied values to standard output.


The program can be implemented in Ada as follows:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Name is
   Put("Enter your name: ");
      Name : String := Get_Line;
      Put("Hello, " & Name & "!");
end Name;

The program uses Put and Get_Line from Ada.Text_IO. The name is stored in a variable called Name, which is declared in a declare block. The greeting is then printed out using three subsequent calls to Put.

The reason that the variable Name is declared in a declare block, rather than in the declarations part of the procedure Name, is that the length of the string must be known at declaration time. Since the length of Name is not known until the line to store in it has been read, it cannot be declared earlier than it is read. And it cannot be read earlier, because then the program would wait for user input before having prompted the user to enter anything.

Note that Get_Line is available in Ada 2005, but not in earlier versions. Some implementations emit a warning about the use of the function, and older implementations will not be able to compile the program at all.

The program contains 28 words.


In C, the program is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	char name[64];

	fputs("Input your name: ", stdout);
	fgets(name, sizeof(name), stdin);
	printf("Hello, %s!\n", name);
	return 0;

The first thing worth noting is the declaration of name. C doesn't have a dedicadet string type; instead, arrays of characters are used, with the last character set to 0 (ASCII NUL) to mark the end of the string. char name[64]; declares an array of 64 characters, which we hope will be enough to hold the name that will be entered.

For reading the name, we use fgets, which we need to supply the array it should store the name in, the size of that array, and the stream to read the name from; in this case, standard input. fgets reads from the supplied stream until at most one fewer than the supplied number of bytes have been read, the end of the stream is reached, or the last character it read was a newline. The characters it read are stored in the array, followed by a 0.

The greeting is printed out using printf, which takes a format string as its first argument, and a number of other arguments depending on the contents of the format string. Any character in the format string is literally printed, except %, which introduces a formatting directive. The formatting directive %s takes an argument from the argument list and prints it as if it were a string. \n is how you put a newline inside a string in C.

The program contains 24 words.


In OCaml, the program looks as follows:

open Printf;;

print_string "Input your name: ";;
let name = read_line () in
	printf "Hello, %s!\n" name

This program makes use of the Printf module, which, among other things, defines the function printf, which acts very much like printf in C.

The program contains 17 words.


Here's the Ruby version of the program:

print 'Enter your name: '
name = gets.chomp
puts "Hello, #{name}!"

Note the usage of print for printing out the prompt without following it by a newline, and puts to print out the greeting, followed by a newline. gets is used to read the name. Calling chomp on a string returns that string, but without a trailing newline, if there is one. Note that gets.chomp means call gets, and call chomp on the result. Finally, we print out the greeting. Note that #{…} inside a double-quoted string evaluates and places the result inside the string.

The program contains 11 words.

Common Lisp

In Common Lisp, the program can be written like this:

(format t "Input your name: ")
(let ((name (read-line)))
	(format t "Hello, ~A!~%" name))

The let form is used to bind local variables. Its syntax can be a bit mystifying at first, but is actually really simple:

(let (binding …) form …)

where binding … indicates one or more bindings, and indicates one or more forms. Each binding takes one of two forms: name or (name value). In the first case, name is bound to nil, in the second case, it is bound to value. After all bindings are created, the forms are executed (and the value returned by the last form is returned from the let form.

In the program above, name is bound to the value returned by (read-line), which reads one line from standard input and returns it (without a trailing newline). This is then printed by format, as per the format directive ~A, which takes the next argument to format and prints it in aestetic (that is, human-friendly) form.

There are 14 words in this program.

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