

Robbert Haarman



This is the classical "Hello, World!" example, in a slightly more original form. It serves as a test of how much boilerplate is required to write a minimal program.


In Ada, the program can be rendered as follows:

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Xyzzy is
   Put("Nothing happens.");
end Xyzzy;

The program uses the procedure Put from the package Ada.Text_IO. The package is made available to the program by with Ada.Text_IO;. The code use Ada.Text_IO; imports all definitions from the package into the program's namespace, so that we can refer to the Put function simply as Put. An alternative would have been to omit the use clause and refer to the function as Ada.Text_IO.Put. The program itself is a single procedure called Xyzzy which calls Ada.Text_IO.Put.

The program above contains 12 words.


In C, the program is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	puts("Nothing happens.");
	return 0;

As you can see, some boilerplate is required. First, we need to include a header file, as even something as basic as I/O is not built into C. Then, we need to define a function named main, which will be called when the program is executed. This function takes some arguments related to the arguments passed to our program on the command line; we make no use of them here. This function returns an integer, which will also be the exit code of the program. Zero means success, any other value means failure; we return zero here.

It is worth noting that many C compilers will also accept this program if we don't include the header file, don't let main take any arguments, and don't let it return a value. However, the version above is the technically correct one.

The program above contains 13 words.


This is the OCaml version:

print_endline "Nothing happens."

A simple function call only. 3 words.


And this is the same program in Ruby:

puts 'Nothing happens.'

One function call is all it takes. 3 words.

Common Lisp

The Common Lisp version is this:

(format t "Nothing happens.~%")

Common Lisp requires no boilerplate around the program, but the program itself may require some explanation. The function format very powerful and very complex, but what's important here is that the first argument, t, causes format to print to standard output, and that the second argument specifies what is to be printed; in this case, all characters it contains are printed literally, except ~%, which causes a newline to be printed.

The program contains 4 words.

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